Jersey Day at Fallsington
Go Birds!
Indoor Recess Fun at Fallsington
Fallsington Students Present at School Board Meeting
Holiday Sing
Turkey Bowl
Bailey the Therapy Dog Inspires Young Readers
A Feast of Friendship: Fallsington's Thanksgiving Tradition
Building Bonds Through Books at Fallsington
Fallsington Family Night
Celebrating Fire Safety Creativity with the Fallsington Firefighters
From Garden to Bowl: Fallsington Students Enjoy Butternut Squash Soup
Seeds & Science: Pumpkin Exploration at Fallsington
Happy Halloween!
Fallsington Welcomes Poet-in-Residence Luray Gross
Fallsington Joins Millions in Read for the Record Day
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Fallsington is excited to announce the installation of a Buddy Bench. Students are encouraged to use the bench as a way to make new friends & help everyone feel welcome!
SPARKing Curiosity: Levers in Action
Buddy Up! 4th Grade & Kindergarten Teams Make Learning Fun
Fallsington First-Graders Visit Franklin Institute
Yellowbird Players Visit Fallsington
Start With Hello Week
Exploring the Learning Garden